Giving Yourself Grace

The art of granting oneself grace, of having some self-compassion, doesn't come naturally to me...I'm more inclined to be hard on myself. (I think that many of us are that way! The old adage of "being your own worst critic" can be pretty accurate) But finally, as 2018 progresses, I can confidently say that I... Continue Reading →

The “Shopping Ban”

Anyone who knows me well, or has been following this blog (thank you SO much if that's you!!) will know how dedicated I've been to bettering myself in 2018. When you have a year like 2017,  where you feel as if you've been to hell in a hand-basket & back numerous either end up on... Continue Reading →

Vulnerability & Minimalism

I have a confession to make: for the first time since I began my Happiness Project on February 1st, this months resolutions aren't working out so well. That's an understatement, actually...they're a huge flop!! Other than my resolution to continue my shopping ban, (which is very successful!), 2 of the other resolutions I only managed... Continue Reading →

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