This just can’t be!

6 nights ago when we were getting ready to ring in the New Year with our dearest friends, I brought up an idea I had heard on Gretchen Rubin's "Happier" podcast (anyone who knows me well, or has followed the blog in the past, knows my fondness of Gretchen Rubin, and of mostly all things... Continue Reading →

2 Years Ago Today, Tomorrow, & the Day after Tomorrow…

On this Christmas Day of 2018, I feel so much joy, so much excitement from watching the happiness erupt on our children's sweet faces as we enjoyed love and play all day. Such deep happiness listening to our Evy saying "Merry Christmas" to us, and really being an active part of this holiday for the... Continue Reading →


With Evrett's big appt coming up on October 5th with our "head honcho" (his genetic specialist), I kinda thought I would be more nervous. Afterall, we have no idea what he is going to say; will he inform us that the final stages of testing are complete, and that we have an official diagnosis for... Continue Reading →

Fruits & Veggies

Since Evy was about 14 months old, his worrisome diet has been very limited, and has remained almost exactly the same as time has gone by: Milk, Toast with Peanut Butter or Nutella, crackers, bear paws, sometimes Cinnamon Raisin Bagels, dry cereal such as Vector, Cheerios, or Fruit Loops, Nutrigrain Bars, Squishem's (for those who... Continue Reading →

1 to 10

Evy tends to become whom we affectionately (though somewhat tiredly) call "Mr. Party Boy" when nighttime approaches. He is happier than ever, and we're fairly sure that if we let him, he would play every night until 11 PM-midnight!! So, 2 nights ago, when Evy woke up in the night to play again, we weren't... Continue Reading →

To be ok with not being ok…

I mentally paced back & forth all weekend about this post. I thought of making it in to more of a "look on the bright side" kind of entry, in which I would turn every fear I have for Evy in to a beautiful rainbow. After all, changing the lens through which we view things... Continue Reading →

Reading Numbers!!

Today was no ordinary, run-of-the-mill Monday. Not by a long shot... It felt as if the Gods/Goddesses of the Universe smiled upon us! My afternoon at work was lovely; I'm settling in to the position of legal administrative assistant even more, and thus am finding my own rhythm. This was also the first afternoon leaving... Continue Reading →

Talking to myself…

Over the past couple of months, I have developed the habit of talking to myself...not out loud!! (at least not most of the time 😉 ) But rather, inside my head. I'm not certain precisely when I began doing this without having to think about doing it...but I've definitely been dialoguing with my inner self... Continue Reading →

A New Step…

Remember the good old adage: sometimes you "can't see the forest for the tress"? Well I certainly do, and it rang true for me this weekend! As improbable as it is for people outside of our little family of 5 to really know what the details of daily life are like in our household, particularly... Continue Reading →

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